Pick the framework you are using
Make your forms look and work great

Step 1.

Grab the resources from the CSS and JS folders and copy it to your project.

Copy script


Step 2.

Try a simple example in your test file or project. Copy the following HTML and JS code.


Copy JS


Download this Forms example for testing 👆

Step 1.

Grab the resources from the CSS and JS folders and copy it to your project.

Copy script


Step 2.

Try a simple example in your test file or project. Copy the following HTML and JS code.


Copy JS


Download this Forms example for testing 👆

Step 1.

Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm (you might need sudo access).

Copy command


Step 2.

Run the config command in the root folder of the React project.
If you don't have an app, create a starter with the Create React App $ create-react-app my-app

Copy command


Step 3.

Include mobiscroll lite to one of your components and run the app. You can import mobiscroll resources and use the lite components the following way:

If you started a new create-react-app you can override the src/App.js with the following code.
Copy JSX


Run the app from the root folder with npm start

Copy command


Step 1.

Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm (you might need sudo access).

Copy command


Step 2.

Run the config command in the root folder of the Angular project.
If you don't have an app, create a starter with the Angular CLI $ ng new myStarterApp

Copy command


Step 3.

Add the mobiscroll form component to one of your pages and run the app.
If you're using an Angular CLI app, you can add it to src/app/app.component.html:


Copy TS


Run ng serve in your project root folder.

Copy command



Use the CLI to create a new app. If you already have an app at hand, you can skip this step.

Copy commands


Step 1.

Copy Mobiscroll into your app.
Unpack the downloaded mobiscroll package and copy the css and js folders to the www/lib/mobiscroll folder of the myStarterApp. At the end you should have the mobiscroll js file under the myStarterApp/www/lib/mobiscroll/js/ folder. The same is true for the css file: myStarterApp/www/lib/mobiscroll/css/.

Step 2.

Include the CSS and JS resources.
Open the index.html file and include the mobiscroll js and the css files in the header sections.

Copy script


Step 3.

Set up the mobiscroll-form dependency to use the mobiscroll Form component.
You should add this module dependency in the controllers.js file like:

Copy script


Step 4.

Let's see if Mobiscroll was installed correctly.
To test it let's add a simple input to the tab-dash.html:


Copy JS


To build the app just run the ionic serve:

Copy command


Step 1.

Install the Mobiscroll CLI from npm (you might need sudo access).

Copy command


Step 2.

Run the config command in the root folder of the Ionic project.
If you don't have an app, create a starter with the Ionic CLI $ ionic start myStarterApp tabs

Copy command


Step 3.

Add a mobiscroll form to one of your pages and run the app.
If you're using an ionic starter, you can add it to src/pages/home/home.html:


Copy TS


Run ionic serve in your project root folder.

Copy command

Mobiscroll Forms is licensed under the Apache license. It contains the following elements: Text field, Select field, Page styling and typography, Grid layout, Segmented control, Checkbox, Switch, Radio button, Button, Stepper, Slider, Alerts & Notifications, Notes and Rating. Start a free trial and see how the other components can help.

Prefer Github or installing it with NPM?